It’s Time to Rethink Long-Term Care for Seniors

Aldred H. Neufeldt is Professor Emeritus of community health sciences at the University of Calgary and a Fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association. It took a rogue virus to make it obvious that 20 or 30 dependent seniors in one area within a long-term-care (LTC) facility isn’t the best idea in the world. This begs the question of what approaches Ontario’s … Read More

Time to Provide Funding and Real Choice in Long-term Care

For our first instalment of the Supporting Aging in Place Series, we’re sharing a piece from Patricia Spindel, Ph.D. and Judith Sandys, Ph.D., two long time Community Living advocates who highlight some of the systemic issues affecting long-term care. The parallel to the work that the community living movement has done over generations can clearly be seen. People need real … Read More

Robert’s Story

The Family Leadership Series helped Robert and his family navigate an uncertain time. Robert joined Community Living Ontario’s Family Leadership Series earlier this year. After his first weekend, where he heard from other families in similar situations, Robert felt relieved  “I am not alone. That relief helped me to get more energy and purpose to move forward.” Robert, his wife … Read More

Sam’s Story: Light Up the Future

Community Living Ontario’s Family Leadership Series provided the support Sandra and Gary needed to support their son in a new way. For many students across Ontario, a new world filled with opportunities and interests opens up when they attend college or university. The learning, collaboration, and social interactions with peers are all critical as a young person transitions into adulthood. … Read More