Cupcake Deliveries

Various locations in Glengarry County

Community Living Glengarry Inc. will be delivering cupcakes (frosted blue/green) 2x weekly (Wednesdays and Fridays) for the month of May to various businesses and social clubs throughout Glengarry County. Employees along with people supported make the deliveries. They're having restaurant placemats made to promote Community Living Month and will be distributing them to various restaurants to use during the month ... Read More

“What Community Living Means To Me”

Middlesex Community Living Facebook Page

Middlesex Community Living wants to highlight and help bring awareness to Community Living Month on their social media accounts. They're looking to do this through a campaign where they post messages about "What Community Living Month Means To Me". These messages can be in several different formats such as: a picture and message box, a voice recording, written text or ... Read More

Banner Raising

The Banner will be raised at the 'Upper Front St. Bridge' at Moira St. & Front St.

Midland Town Shines A Light

575 Dominion Avenue

The Town of Midland is proclaiming May 2024 Community Living Month and in recognition will illuminate the front garden of Town Hall in blue and green lights from May 1-31, 2024.

Inclusion Campaign


Community Living Upper Otawa Valley will be sharing their 31 days of Inclusion campaign on Facebook with each day sharing a (not so) Random act of Kindness.

Flag Raising

Laurentian Hills, City of Pembroke and Laurentian Valley will be presented with and flying Community Living Upper Otawa Valley's Flag for the month of May.

The Community Creative Experience

Jackman Dramatic Art Centre at the University of Windsor

During the month of May, Alice Nelson, Assistant Professor in Drama, Education and Community at the University of Windsor, with assistance from Community Living Windsor employee Maggie Pinsonneault, Virtual Activity Administrator, will lead the informative and interactive theatre workshop series for people connected with Community Living Windsor. The workshop will teach different styles of theatre performing from storytelling to shadow ... Read More

Community Spotlight

[Virtual] CLTO and CLTO Influencers Instagram and Facebook Pages (@CLToronto and @CLTOInfluencers)

"Community Spotlight" is a livestream series by Community Living Toronto and CLTO Influencers, hosted on the last Tuesday of every month. For the upcoming May edition, we're diving into CLMonth, featuring CLTO Influencers who will share historical milestones and achievements of the community living movement and answer audience's questions.


On Social Media

Every year, thousands of Canadians come together to show their unwavering support for inclusion and belonging through the #ITookABreak24 social media campaign.

Ice Cream Social

CLSC - 79 Welland Avenue, St. Catharines

Community Living St. Catharines will be serving ice cream sundaes to end CL Month.

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