Community Living Ontario develops policy solutions and advocates for changes that increase the community participation, inclusion and belonging of people labelled as having an intellectual disability. For insight on our policy positions and priorities for our advocacy work, please see the recent posts and resources below.

We work alongside people who have intellectual disabilities and their families as well as government to shape public policy that is practical and progressive. We bring a collective voice to the developmental services sector. Community Living Ontario advocates for the full inclusion of people who have intellectual disabilities in all communities.

If you are looking to learn more, reach out to Shawn Pegg, Director of Social Policy & Strategic Initiatives below.


The Right to Decide

How would you feel if you had no say in where you live, who you spend time with, what you wear, what you eat, who you visit, or how you spend your money? This can happen to people with disabilities when others make decisions for them. We believe everyone has the right to make their own choices. Supported decision-making helps people with disabilities stay in charge of their lives while getting the assistance they need.

Provincial Policy Recommendations

CLO 2025 Pre-Budget Recommendations

Community Living Ontario is making four key recommendations for the upcoming provincial budget: sustainable funding for developmental services, full implementation of the Passport program, increases to ODSP, and zero clawbacks of the Canada Disability Benefit.

Ontario Budget 2025: Resources for the DS Sector

The Government of Ontario has launched consultations for the 2025 provincial budget. Our new resource page offers help for people, family members, DS agencies, and other advocates to create their own submissions and recommendations for the province.

Ending the Wait

This resource offers recommendations to reduce the waitlist for developmental services in Ontario. It is meant to inspire discussion, and to bring greater clarity and direction to Journey to Belonging: Choice and Inclusion, the province’s strategy for developmental services.

Urgent Need to Include DSWs in Federal Post-Graduate Work Permit Eligibility

Recent changes to federal immigration policy are preventing international students from working as Developmental Service Workers in Ontario. This change will have a catastrophic effect on the province's ability to offer support and services to people who have a developmental disability, and must be rectified immediately.


No Clawbacks on the Canada Disability Benefit

The Canada Disability Benefit (CDB), set to be launched in July 2025, will provide up to $200 per month to people who qualify. This policy statement from Community Living Ontario outlines why it is imperative that the Government of Ontario not claw back any of the CDB from the Ontario Disability Support Program. 

Building a Full Life + a Home of One’s Own in the Community 

Building a Full Life + a Home of One’s Own in the Community is a report from Community Living Ontario that offers recommendations on individualized funding, housing, and community inclusion for people who have an intellectual disability. The report provides detailed guidance and insights, and will hopefully serve as a platform for meaningful discussion as the province moves forward with developmental service reform.

2024 Pre-budget Submission

2024 Pre-budget Submission

In our pre-budget submission to the provincial government, CLO is calling for an immediate base budget increase of five percent for developmental service agencies. Additionally, we are calling for a five percent increase to Passport and Special Services at Home budgets. 

The submission is part of our #5toSurvive campaign, calling attention to critical underfunding of our sector. If you agree with our recommendations, please forward the document to your MPP! 


Tangled in Red Tape

Ontario’s Employment Transformation is Leaving Too Many Job Seekers Behind.


A Proposal for Individualized and Direct Funding of Developmental Services in Ontario

Community Living Toronto, Karis Disability Services, Microboards Ontario, and Community Living Ontario have come together to create a shared vision on the topic of individualized and direct funding for developmental services in Ontario. People and families have been calling for greater access to individualized and direct funding in Ontario for decades, and it is high time we make it a reality.  

Housing Solutions

Innovations in Housing for People Who Have an Intellectual Disability

The shortage of affordable, accessible housing is one of the key barriers to community inclusion in Ontario. To address this problem, people with disabilities, their families, and the agencies that support them need to take a leading role in the creation of small-scale, individualized, community-based housing. This new report from Community Living Ontario provides brief snapshots of nine examples of housing that supports independence and choice among people who have an intellectual disability. It is our hope that the document will contribute to greater awareness of what is possible, and to growth in people’s ability to live a life of their choosing.

Increasing the Supply of Small-Scale, Individualized, Communiy-Based Housing for People Who Have Intellectual Disabilities

With federal & provincial governments investing billions of dollars in affordable housing, now is a perfect moment to make a collective push to increase the availability of small scale, community-based housing for people who have intellectual disabilities in Ontario. CLO is releasing a strategy and advocacy guide for self-advocates, family members, developmental service organizations, and other supporters. The guide offers many suggestions about what advocates can do to fill the huge gap in our communities, by increasing the supply of housing that supports health and quality of life.


The Myth of Economies of Scale in Developmental Services

It is commonly believed that large residential facilities for people who have intellectual disabilities are less expensive to operate than more individualized models. However, this policy snapshot shows that, even for people with high support needs, large congregated settings are in fact more costly than small group homes or supported independent living 

Protecting People from Transfer to Long-Term Care

In November 2022, the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) and Ministry of Long-Term Care (MLTC) released an updated and revised version of a document that guides the transfer of people with developmental disabilities from the developmental services sector into long-term care facilities. The document offers valuable insight into the perspective and approach of the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services on this issue.

Five Ideas about Housing for People Who Have Intellectual Disabilities 

People who have intellectual disabilities are increasingly demanding more choice & control in where they live. This document offers five key areas for change as we work to build the supply of housing in Ontario.


Separating Housing from Disability Supports: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

It is common for people who have intellectual disabilities to access housing and other needed supports from a single service provider. This paper argues that separating housing from supports would boost system flexibility and increase people’s ability to access the services they need.

Long-Term Care Is not a Solution for Younger Adults with Disabilities

Nearly 10% of long-term care residents are people with disabilities under age 65. To reduce our dependence on long-term care facilities, we need clear policy and programs that prioritize a concerted push for small-scale housing options bolstered by natural supports, which will reduce pressure on existing systems.

Individualized Funding

Direct Funding for Developmental Services in Ontario: A Path Forward

Ontario’s new strategy for developmental services includes a commitment to allow people to receive funding directly and manage their own supports. This document offers recommendations on how we can finally make direct funding a reality in our province.

Registered Disability Savings Plans

Red Tape, Human Rights, and Registered Disability Savings Plans in Ontario: Part 1

Many people with intellectual disabilities in Ontario are beneficiaries of Registered Disability Savings Plans, where a family member is the RDSP ‘plan holder’ – in other words, they are responsible for managing the RDSP with the beneficiary. We are now seeing situations where plan holders have died or become unable to manage the RDSP – leaving beneficiaries without a plan holder. This raises serious risks for people, including the risk of falling into guardianship.

In our new policy brief, CLO presents a straightforward solution to this problem – a solution that protects people’s financial health while respecting their rights. Read the full brief at the link below.


Red Tape, Human Rights, and Registered Disability Savings Plans in Ontario: Part 2

As part of our advocacy to improve Registered Disability Savings Plans, Community Living Ontario has released a new document that shares the stories of four families facing unnecessary RDSP-related barriers. These families are increasingly frustrated by problems with RDSPs that threaten the financial health of people with intellectual disabilities and increase their risk of coming under guardianship of the Public Guardian and Trustee.