Track the Movement – Summer 2024 (June-August) 

What happened in June?

Youth Advisory Committee Delivers Presentation to CLO’s Board of Directors 

On June 21st, Nicole Canzoneri, Board Director-at-Large, and Yashvit Danani, YAC member, facilitated a compelling presentation to the Board. The presentation highlighted the impactful youth initiatives led by Community Living Ontario’s (CLO) YAC members in Ontario. They provided an overview of the Disrupt! Social Justice Series, which has successfully engaged over 1,000 youth across the province, fostering discussions about critical social issues. Additionally, the YAC members showcased their innovative social media series, “Imagination in Motion”, designed to amplify youth voices through creative expressions.  

Social media post from the “Mental Health” theme for the “Imagination In Motion” series.  YAC member, Arshiaa, created this post which provides a list of questions to help you check in on your mental health each day.  
YAC members, Nicole Canzoneri and Yashvit Danani, presenting to Community Living Ontario’s Board of Directors

Addressing Mental Health Through Art 

The YAC’s social media series “Imagination In Motion” continued throughout the summer months. In June and July, the YAC members covered the relevant topic of “Mental Health”. Through various videos and illustrations, they discussed the importance of mental health and how to provide support to peers. They also shared tips for taking care of your mental health.  

What happened in July? 

Friends, Food, & Lots of Fun: Recap of the YAC’s Summer Meet-&-Greet 

On July 28th, YAC members gathered in London for a highly anticipated YAC Meet-and-Greet! While our youth advisors connect online every two weeks, for many, this was their first time meeting their fellow YAC members in person. The day was filled with fun icebreaker games, a team building workshop led by CLO’s Board President, Jennie Chanda, and a presentation about the history and mission of the Re:Action4Inclusion (R4I) youth movement led by YAC member, Nicole Canzoneri. The youth had a blast solving riddles, constructing spaghetti towers, and enhancing their teamwork skills. The youth advisors also spent time brainstorming innovative project ideas for the 2024-2025 term. Overall, this event was a success, as the YAC members formed stronger connections, gained new skills, and made plans for the new year!  

YAC members showcasing their completed spaghetti tower, one of the activities from the team building workshop. 

Welcoming Our New YAC Executive Team 

On July 29th, the YAC selected their new executive team for the 2024-2025 term. The executive members are: 

Co-chair: Megan den Dekker from Bluevale, Ontario 

“I am inspired by the quote “You only fail when you give up”. I joined the YAC executive team to make a difference, to spread awareness, and help people understand how we can make every place inclusive. Being a part of the Re:Action4Inclusion movement helps me make a difference by talking about how we can be the change and how I can make a difference in my field as a Developmental Service Worker.” – Megan D

Co-chair: Kaylee Fox from Smithville, Ontario 

“During my first year with the YAC, I had the opportunity to enhance my leadership skills through creating social media posts, working on group projects, and sharing my experiences. Now, I am ready to join the executive team! I’m very passionate and enthusiastic about assisting with the work we do in the YAC and engaging with others. I am excited to take on the role of co-chair because I believe this role aligns perfectly with my interests and skills, and I have many great ideas to contribute to the team.” – Kaylee F.

Secretary: Sabrina Midou from Cornwall, Ontario 

“Being on the executive team of the Re:Action4Inclusion Youth Advisory Committee is an accomplishment and engagement which I will uphold with great honor and devotion. I am truly dedicated to the mission and causes of inclusivity of the YAC, and desire to use my voice to uplift and lead this powerful group. I look forward to using this leadership role to contribute to the vision, orientation, and impact of the Re:Action4Inclusion movement.” – Sabrina M.

Congratulations to our wonderful new team! We know you will achieve many great things this year as you lead the YAC! 

What happened in August? 

“Building Brighter Futures” for Youth in Windsor and Essex County 

On Monday, August 19th, we partnered with Community Living Windsor and Community Living Essex County for a full-day workshop titled “Building Brighter Futures.” Hosted at the Ciociaro Club in Old Castle, Ontario, the event brought together 20 enthusiastic youth and adult allies. The workshop featured inspiring guest speakers, including three members of our Youth Advisory Committee (YAC), who shared valuable insights on prioritizing mental health in the workplace. Participants also took part in a calming mindfulness activity, engaged in fun trivia games, crafted their own positive affirmations, and listened to an insightful panel discussion on inclusive education. 

Participants engaging in a mindfulness session at the start of “Building Brighter Futures” workshop.
Three YAC members – Maahil, Nicole, and Sarah – preparing for their “Mental Health in the Workplace” presentation
Four panelists speak about the importance of inclusive education in schools. 

Celebrating Youth Advocacy Work Across Ontario 

In August, the YAC used their “Imagination In Motion” social media series to highlight the amazing advocacy of various youth networks and organizations across Ontario. They featured the following organizations: 

The New Mentality: A provincial network of youth and adult allies who work together to amplify the voices of youth to create change within the mental health system. Website: 

The Franco-Ontarian Youth Federation (FESFO): Organization that represents and advocates for the 25,000 young Francophones across Ontario, bringing them together through enriching experiences and cultural events that allow them to flourish in French. Website:  

To keep up to date on the “Imagination In Motion” series, follow the Re:Action4Inclusion Instagram (@r4inclusion) and Facebook (@Reaction4Inclusion)!   

Social media post from August’s theme “Highlighting Youth Advocacy Work Across Ontario”. This post, created by YAC member, Isabelle, describes mental health advocacy work carried out by the Ontario-based youth network, The New Mentality.