DISRUPT! YOUth ACTivism 101

Melanie Huff

What is activism? What does it take to be a youth activist? How do you get involved in youth activism? Are these some questions you’d like the answers to? Well – we’ve got the perfect event for you! Come talk to inspiring youth activists and allies from the Youth Advisory Committee as they explain and share their experiences about getting … Read More

Siblings: Citizens with a Cause Webinar

Melanie Huff

Are you a youth between 14-29 years of age? Are you a sibling of someone with a disability? Are you passionate about supporting and helping others build an inclusive community? If you answered “YES” to all these questions, our upcoming virtual meet-up session is for YOU! Come join us for the second session in a series of sibling meet-up sessions … Read More

Siblings: Citizens with a Cause

Melanie Huff

Are you a youth between 14-29 years of age? Are you a sibling of someone with a disability? Are you passionate about supporting and helping others build an inclusive community? If you answered “YES” to all these questions, our upcoming virtual meet-up session is for YOU! Come join us for the second session in a series of sibling meet-up sessions … Read More

DISRUPT! Authentic Inclusion and Awareness

Melanie Huff

Michael Jacques, who never surrenders to the idea of “can’t,” will speak about topics such as learning, inclusion, advocacy, independence, and the power of perseverance. His journey with Re:Action4Inclusion started in Grade 10, where he found his voice as a participant. He then became involved with Re:Action4Inclusion as an organizer and since then has given numerous presentations promoting this fabulous … Read More

Siblings: Citizens with a Cause

Melanie Huff

Are you a youth between 14-29 years of age?  Are you a sibling of someone with a disability?  Are you passionate about supporting and helping others build an inclusive community?  If you answered “YES” to all these questions, our upcoming virtual meet-up session is for YOU!   Come join us for the first in a series of meet-up sessions to talk … Read More

Inclusive Education Webinar

Melanie Huff

We invite you to a webinar hosted by Community Living Ontario’s Council and Youth Advisory Committee members. This webinar intends to focus on the educational experiences of people with different abilities. Come, share and talk about your views on the value of inclusive education and the impact of real learning opportunities, in view of the diverse needs of students. Click … Read More