Community Living Ontario's 2022 Provincial Election Strategy

Ontario’s next provincial election will be held on June 2nd, 2022. Community Living Ontario is looking to Ontario’s political parties to reinforce the fundamentals that enable people and families to achieve financial, physical, and mental health: income security, affordable housing, and equitable access to health and social services. Download our Election Platform Document to learn more.


What are the Parties Promising in the 2022 Election?

Community Living Ontario has published a helpful comparison of election promises made by the Ontario PC Party, Ontario NDP, and Ontario Liberal Party – keep an eye on this page for updates as new platform promises are released.


What are the Parties Promising in the 2022 Election?

The Alliance on Aging and Disability is a new coalition of disability organizations focused on keeping people with disabilities out of long-term care facilities. The Alliance has published a two-page fact sheet with clear recommendations for political parties and election candidates.