Every Little Bit Counts

You can help Community Living Ontario change the lives of people who have an intellectual disability and their families. Any donation makes a difference in the lives of the people we support. Be a part of a positive change today.

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CLO's Board Member and Youth Leader Nicole Canzoneri is Inspired to Use Her Voice for Change

Nicole Canzoneri showing off her CLO Youth Award plaque.

Our donors’ thoughtful and generous support allows us to help incredible people like Community Living Ontario (CLO) Board Member and former Youth Advisory Council Chair, Nicole Canzoneri.

We know that Nicole’s powerful story will inspire you the way it does us. Please consider donating today so that Nicole and all of us at CLO can continue our mission of authentic inclusion for all. 

Nicole Canzoneri’s journey with Community Living Ontario began in Grade 10 when a supportive teacher encouraged her to attend a CLO youth conference. “One adult ally supporter can completely change a life,” she recalls, remembering that important event. Immersed in an environment where she was surrounded by like-minded youth and adult leaders, Nicole finally felt a sense of belonging, empowerment, and inspiration where she was ready to take on new challenges. And although Nicole does not identify as having an intellectual disability, her passion for authentic inclusion propels her to be an ally for those who have an intellectual disability as well as a determined advocate.

Nicole and friends (including former CLO Board President, Michael Jacques) at a youth leadership meeting.

With the support of CLO and community allies, Nicole's leadership potential has blossomed and transformed her from a shy, anxious youth into a confident public speaker who now speaks and presents in front of many different audiences.

“I didn’t always see myself in leadership roles,” she admits, “but the more I’ve been supported and gotten comfortable, that’s evolved.”

With the support of CLO and community allies, Nicole's leadership potential has blossomed and transformed her from a shy, anxious youth into a confident public speaker who now speaks and presents in front of many different audiences.

Nicole's story is a testament to the possibilities that emerge when a person is empowered to make their own choices and embrace new opportunities. Fast forward ten years from her attendance at that fateful CLO conference -- Nicole has recently graduated from the Disability Studies program at the University of Windsor, is now pursuing a master’s degree, and works as a personal support worker.

Nicole speaks at the 2023 CLO Inspiring Possibilities AGM and Conference.

She continues to expand her involvement with CLO as well, leading her to become a member of CLO’s Board of Directors, former Chair of the Youth Advisory Committee (YAC), and a regular speaker at CLO’s Inspiring Possibilities AGM & Conference and other events.

When asked why people should support CLO’s initiatives, Nicole's passion shines through:

“Everyone should donate to and support the work of CLO because it empowers people who are often ignored, left out, or don’t feel empowered to use their voice for change in a way that’s meaningful to them.”

A proud Nicole Canzoneri graduating from the University of Windsor in 2024.

This summer, Nicole invites you to invest in the future leaders, self-advocates, and decision-makers who are determined to create a better world. Contributions from donors like you make a profound impact through initiatives that stem from our brand-new Youth Leadership Fund, which enables youth so they may become full participants in their communities. Donations to this fund will help open countless doors for young people, providing them with opportunities to grow, learn, and thrive.

Your generosity is the key to unlocking the potential of people like Nicole, fuelling them to continue making their communities more inclusive.

Thank you in advance for your foresight and commitment.