Community Living Ontario values the many dedicated individuals and groups in our communities, including all people who have an intellectual disability. Every year, the organization recognizes the remarkable efforts and contributions of individuals and organizations that further the Community Living movement. We encourage members to nominate and recognize those contributions.

Anne Stafford Light Up the Future Bursary

The Anne Stafford Light Up the Future Bursary is awarded to people who have an intellectual disability who are seeking to pursue a professional development opportunity through an educational program or personal interest course.

Inspiring Possibilities Awards

The 2024 Inspiring Possibilities Awards received an impressive number of nominations. The selection committee is currently evaluating all the nominees thoroughly. Once they have chosen the recipients for each of the four award categories—Changemaker, Inclusive Media, Trailblazer in Accessibility, and the Jason Rae Award—we will reach out to all nominators and recipients to inform them of the decisions. 
2024 Call for Nominations
2024 Nomination Form