ODSP and Poverty with Andrea Hatala

Show Notes


In this episode, we hear from Andrea Hatala. Andrea has been an ODSP recipient for several years, and is a Recipient Co-chair for the ODSP Action Coalition. The coalition uses a number of different strategies to advocate for increases to ODSP rates. These include political lobbying, organizing campaigns and rallies, and legal challenges. 

In Niko’s conversation with Andrea, they discuss potential changes coming to ODSP, the need for affordable housing, why clawbacks are unfair, and more. 


Production: Nicholas Wong

Hosting: Niko Pupella

Audio Editing and Music: Helena Krobath

Guest: Andrea Hatala


ODSP Action Coalition

ODSP Action Coalition is a provincial, volunteer grassroots advocacy group led by people with disabilities on ODSP, along with a network of valued allies, that advocates for improvements to the income and other supports available to people with disabilities. 

Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)

The official ODSP page on the Government of Ontario website, where you can find the most up-to-date information on ODSP. 


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